quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

mais um artigo pro cerveja.

6 Best Post-Race Beers

Do you enjoy the refreshing taste of a nice, cold post-race brew? If so, you are among company. Runners of all kinds gravitate in droves toward the frothy stuff, after a big race or to celebrate the day’s long run. Some races even serve beer at the finish line. Perfect motivation to run a little faster, if you ask me.
Aside from being the nectar of the gods (the ancient Egyptian ones, that is), some studies point to beer as a good post-run drink choice. According to a study published at Granada University in 2007, a pint of the good stuff can rehydrate you as quickly as the same amount of water. Not to mention beer contains salts, sugars and carbohydrates that can replace nutrients and calories lost during your run. This is all in addition to beer’s amazing thirst-quenching abilities.
If you’re like me, just about any beer will do after a big race. But for the connoisseur of inventive branding, the following beers might be right up your alley.

1. Marathon Lager by Athenian Brewery

A Greek beer, aptly named after the traditional Greek race. Owned by Heineken, Marathon Lager is on the lighter side and thus will taste pretty refreshing after your next 26.2.

2. Victory Lager by Victory Brewing Co.

Did you beat your PR? Win first place in your age group? Win the whole darn race? This is the beer to take with you on your victory lap. Wear your medal proudly while you enjoy this light, easy-to-drink lager.

3. The Bitter End Pale Ale by Two Brothers Brewing Co.

Something to celebrate the bitter end to your toughest race of the season. Raise a glass of this crisp, medium-bodied ale, and toast that the damned race is finally over.

4. Hoppy Feet by Clown Shoes Brewery

The label calls it a Black IPA, and the reviews claim it’s a dark-colored brew with some deep, dry flavors. I chose this one because the title sounds like a clever moniker for the barefoot runner’s favorite footwear.

5. Tracktown 200 Meter Ale by Eugene City Brewery

Titled after its Oregon city nickname, this IPA is described as sweet and fresh tasting. Unlike how you will probably smell while drinking this after some 200-meter sprints.

6. 26.2 Boston Marathon Brew by Samuel Adams

Running the next Boston Marathon? Sam Adams has brewed this small batch low-alcohol lager in its namesake. Only 45 Boston-area establishments are getting it this year, so it’s just about as rare as earning a bib for the Boston Marathon itself.
Here’s to enjoying a frosty pint after your race. As always, drink responsibly and live to race again.
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Trisha Reeves is a half marathoner with more than 10 years of running experience.

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